Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Girl, you're weird.

So, i am taking a psychology of substance abuse class this semester. it is really interesting and all that jazz. but there is this girl in that class who is weird to say the least. she always has opinions to share and they are always so bizarre and last night i noticed that i wasn't the only one who thought she is dumb i noticed people looking around and making faces.

A couple classes ago we were talking about legit alcoholics. don't worry guys most of us are only in stage 3 out of 6 so we are good. anyways these alcoholics obviously think that they need alcohol to function, so like as soon as they wake up and they have a hangover they will start drinking immediately to get rid of said hangover and continue to drink all day...that is what an alcoholic is incase you didn't know oh and they can act sober too because they are functioning alcoholics..anyways. girl in my class raises her hand and says something along the lines of.."i don't know how someone can drink again after they have a hangover" now at first i saw nothing wrong with this statement, because hello...i have had some bad hangovers and the last thing i want that day is an alcoholic drink..usually i will wait a day or 2 depending on how bad the hangover is. but this is not what she meant, what she meant was that one time she had a really bad hangover and she didn't drink for an entire year she doesn't know how anyone can drink for at least a year after experiencing, umm a headache? and maybe vomited? i was confused. i thought most people put it behind them and if they had a really bad experience with one type of alcohol they just don't drink that kind anymore. anyway i let it slide because that is just a strange thing to say. and she said she rarely drinks anymore. weird thing.....

Last night, we were talking about sex addicts..very interesting stuff. so my teacher then was talking about statch rape and regular rape..and how if you are drunk and a sober person has sex with you that is technically rape becuase alcohol fucks with your brain and blah blah blah you can't make good decisions. but if both people are drunk and consent to sex it isn't rape because its like you just raped each other and sort of cancels out and you just live with your bad choice and hope the person wasn't gross. anywaysssss weird girl asks the weirdest question..and i noticed the girls around me looking at each other as to say really????

she goes well what if i am drunk and my boyfriend and i have sex..but before i got drunk i said it would be okay that if i was drunk that night we could have sex and i even wrote it on paper and signed it.

ARE YOU SERIOUS???? number 1. i thought your bad hangover has prevented you from getting drunk. 2. is your boyfriend not trustworthy or something, and 3. i am pretty sure it doesn't matter if you are drunk or not if you having sex with your boyfriend i think its consentual. and why would you sue your boyfriend for rapeing you? why on earth would you have to write on a piece of paper before you got drunk that it is okay if later after i've had a few drinks and say i want to have sex and you have sex with me. i will not sue you because i am saying it is okay now. signed weird girl.

the teacher was like umm..with your boyfriend its usually okay...and the girl was like cause he was wondering if its illegal to have sex with me if i had been drinking. and the teacher was like umm he sounds very concientious.

those are my only two stories about her. but seriously she is weird.
and i am bringing back random song quote..

"someday somebody's going make you wanna turn around and say goodbye.."- Wilson Phillips "hold on"

1 comment:

Lilli said...

"but if both people are drunk and consent to sex it isn't rape because its like you just raped each other and sort of cancels out and you just live with your bad choice and hope the person wasn't gross"


