This is Dave and Jeremy, they stole my beer can, at least i think it is dave, his face is completely covered, the note says "if you ever want to see your beer can again bring mad alcohol to 301" that can was lost all year, it is safely back in my apartment.

This is a random party we had at our apartment, pictured: Front row L to R Marshall, me, Jake, Katy Back Row Andy, and Dave, dave is my favorite part of this picture

This was the night katy met her boyfriend nick, also it is one my most favorite pictures of her and i, i think she hates it lol

This is a picture of me and lilli pwning at beer pong, i believe we just won that game and that is our celebratory dance, pretty awesome huh?

This was actually taken during empty the fridge night, i tried to get all 4 of us in it but you can only see daves chin and nothing else

This was taken at Chubbys in Philly, they sold Colt 45, that is the coolest thing ever.

This is good picture of the 4 of us from philly, were all actually looking at the camera and look like we like each other, which is good :-)

This was taken on the drive up, i actually got that one with only half a car in it, i feel like that is superior photo skills

This was somewhere on our way to philly, we were probably on or around martin luther king blvd. It is tyrone's chicken, anyone wanna eat there?

This was taken over at the boys house some night, jake looks terrified, and who can blame him? lilli is holding a bud heavy, and i have a bottle of bacardi gold who wants to guess that night didn't end well?
"haters get mad cause i got me some bathin apes" - soulja boy "crank that"
lol i look like a butt in ALL of those pictures, thanks a lot. but that song quote sorta makes up for it.
2 out of 3 people in every pictre look special
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