Saturday, December 27, 2008
I'm Bored...
In other news, i have a little bit of money now. Oh! and Lilli is coming to see me next week i am so so so soooo excited.
I really have nothing else to say this post is boring and i am sorry for anyone who reads it but i had to get that off my chest. I suppose i can talk about christmas for a minute. Oh this is good. here ya go..
We went to Christmas eve service at my church at 11 o clock at night like we always do, and there is this girl that also goes to that service..We made fun of her last year for wearing pajamas that said something along the lines of "santas naughty cookie" on them, we were like well normally God doesn't care what you wear, but he is judging you right now. Well, this year she had on pajamas again. BUT they were shorts and she had them on over jeans...and the jeans were rolled up..and she had on knee high socks that had lights on them..and the pajamas said "meet me under the mistletoe" and this girl has a baby, and my mom said me under the mistletoe look where that got her, a baby and no daddy. And i laughed really hard, cause that fuckin funny, the girl is a year younger than me, her baby is almost 1. But seriously don't wear pj's that say your a slut on them to church please.
Christmas was good for the sisson family santa brought some awesome presents, and later in the night i went to kates familys house and we celebrated with a bottle of white wine, a 12 pack on yuenglings, and shots of crown royal. It was awesome.
Random Song Quote: "I know its not mine but i'll see if i can use it for the weekend or a one night stand" - Sugar Ray "every morning"
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm Broke and Have Road Rage
Also, i realize Christmas in like 3 days away, but I cannot for the life of me get into the Christmas spirit. I was almost there today folks the buying of presents, the spending of money, and Christmas songs on every radio station i turned to, it was all working for me and i was like hey!Christmas is on thursday...UNTILLLLLLL i realized that people in sterling,VA have never drove a car a before, and if they have no one ever taught them to proper way to drive said car. I believe that every.single.other.person. (besides me) wants every other driver on the road to either. A) create an accident. or B) get into an accident. I have 2 perfect examples that left me screaming and cussing at the top of my lungs in my car and cursing all of sterling.
Example one: I was leaving the mall, all excited to get home and eat dinner, but first i had to stop off and buy grandma a gift card. So i'm coming out of the mall, waiting patiently at the light to turn left onto the road that gets me where im going, and i notice that allllllllllll the people going straight are backed up into the intersection and realize i might have to wait a minute in order to actually make the turn while they slowly move out of my way, no biggie i can wait an extra second. BUT apparently the assholes that were across from me also turning left, in the backed up intersection and going their way, those assholes can't wait ONE FUCKING SECOND for anything. Both our lights turned green at the same time, i had a little bit of room to actually turn so i started go, so did the people coming across. I slammed on my breaks cause douche bag was headed straight for my fucking car, great! Where did he think he was going? THAT TRAFFIC WAS BACKED UP INTO THE INTERSECTION AND HE TRIED TO GET IN LINE WITH THEM TO WAIT AT THE LIGHT???? well now that i'm not going and about to get into a head on collison, both the douche that came toward me is honking at me, and the person behind me is also honking cause duh the light is green and i should be driving. I had to do some very illegal things and flick someone off in order to turn. MERRY CHRISTMAS ASSHOLE. you almost caused a crash that woulda ruined everyones christmas.
Example two: Happened approximately 5 minutes after example number 1. i was already pissed and hungry and wanted to get home. But remember i had to get the gift card. So i go to turn into the shopping center where said place is. ANOTHER ASSHOLE! sterling is FILLED with them. Was sitting there making a U turn in his GIANT hummer, and his high beams were on blinding me. Hey fucktard, i drive a sunfire, i cannot see around your army vehicle. no one is coming behind me why don't you fucking do your U turn. But he didn't. So i had to inch and inch and inch and inch and inch and finally just decided that no one was coming and hoped for the best, and if someone had hit me i woulda blamed the hummer for blocking my view and blinding me. Once i turned I screamed at the top of my lungs something along the lines of "WHY DOES NO ONE IN THIS TOWN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" and was happy i was alone.
Now how am i supposed to get into the christmas spirit when people keep pissing me off?? Anyway i finished shopping, made it home and ate dinner with my mom and dad. And thanked my mom for teaching me to be a GOOD driver. Its an elite club in this part of town.
Anyway Merry Christmas. Happy Hannuka (that ain't spelled right) Happy Kwanzaa, anything else i forgot, just be happy!
Random song quote: "Now I love pussy and pussy loves me like a lemon to the lime and the bumble to the bee." - Eazy E "gimme that nut"
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Whats a girl gotta do to get some sleep??
With that out of the way on to more important things. Last night was super fun, i went out to arlington to visit jeremy! yay i missed him a lot already. His parents were having a party and i got to come it was pretty awesome. We got joosed, as we normally do. We also had copious amounts of beer, played sonic on his sega, and called lilli. His friend lucas came over, and also Jimmy came over, it was good to see him, since i haven't seen him in a couple weeks. Lilli also called us at some point in the night and we talked to her for a while. I became best friends with jeremy's little sister annie once jimmy and lucas left cause she hung out with me while jer talked on the phone. We passed out somewhere around 4 i think. We woke up super early and i decided to leave. it was 9am. I however ended up sitting in my car for 30 minutes while the ice thawed off of it. I made it home in good time it only took a half an hour. Everytime i leave his house i end up coming a different way home and i don't know how it even happens, but it does. I walked in the house and got directly back in bed and tried to sleep until noon because i had to work at 1.
I still have absolutely no idea why i had to work today, i went in at 1 and got off at 4, it would have made a lot more sense for me to work those 3 hours if it was during the skins game, but they didnt even play until 4:15 so i made it home from work in time to see kick off and it was just getting really busy when i left, poor planning on their part. i mean sweet 3 extra hours on my paycheck, but really whatever. Excitment ensued at work when a little boy left 3 fake dragon tatoo's on his table and we put them on. I have the coolest dragon on my arm right now its purple and red and i feel like such a badass.
My brother and his fiance had us over for dinner tonight, we had steak, pork chops, corn, baked potatos, rice, salad, cookies. They got a new grill, dinner was delicious and it helped me shake the stupid hangover i had all day, i hadn't had a real hangover since like august and i hated it. As soon as i got home i got back in bed to watch tv but my sleepy body decided to take a nap...and as soon as i turned off the tv and closed my eyes 15 people decided it would be perfect to text me, so i am awake now and writing a blog that is stupid and not interesting.
Fun Facts! i filled up my entire gas tank for less that 20 dollars yesterday, i have to work tomorrow morning hopefully i will make some cash so i can go christmas shopping (which i still haven't done) and my friends wanna drink tonight but i don't know if i have it in me, i am lame lol. Also i want cookies.
Random song quote: "If she a pothead with too many zits. A movie star withinflatable tits." - Little T "Shaniqua don't live here no mo'"
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Home is Where the Beer is
When i woke up on wednesday morning kate had just left to go nanny and i was switching from the bed i fell asleep in to her bed, cause i love her bed, i accidently slept until 1 when kate came home and proceeded to wake me up like this "HEY! ASSHOLE!!! GET UP!!!!" and i did because i was starving and it was one o clock. We went to noodles and company for lunch, and we both got macaroni and cheese, kate ate hers in less than 30 seconds, and was still hungry and got pot stickers. I didn't finish mine but luckily kate has a never ending pit in her stomach and finished it off for me. We came home laid in bed and watched a haunting on discovery and then kate took a nap.
We decided we were drinking again last night, which then required me to go to target to buy clothes cause all i had was sweats and a wings shirt and a shirt from cubby's 2 different restaraunts im such a fatass. I got a pair of underwear, a new bra because the one i was wearing literally broke in half the wire snapped honestly that shit would only happen to me, i got a t shirt and i ended up buying the cutest coat ever made, it was 50% off so i had to jump on it. We went to fridizzles (TGIFridays for those who don't know) and i got the cheesy bacon cheeseburger it has a layer of fried provelone on it, in other words its like heaven for your mouth. Then we stopped by another store for 2 cases of beer, and i scored big time cause they had red joose, it was my first time with red joose and it lived up to all of my expectations of it. Kates friend Colin brought 2 18 packs over. And a few people came over and we were all hammered. The toilet broke. CAN YOU BELIEVE THE TOILET BROKE!! i was freaking out cause it reminded me of empty the fridge the night. But i figured out what was wrong the chain is broken in the tank. Me and James somehow got it to flush and we were the heros, but we had to use the upstairs bathroom all night. Kate decided she was going to "make a sign" for the bathroom door. She took markers and wrote BROKE in huge letters on the door. Then fixed it a little and it says hey mother fuckers don't use this bathroom it is BROKEN! and then everyone wrote on it, even spongebob, he wrote his famous krusty krab pizza song. click that to see how awesome it is.
I woke up this morning the house reaked of booze and kate was going to work. We went to ihop i have no money again. When we got home sarah and i cleaned up and watched a haunting on discovery again (a lady got bit by a ghost). I am finally home and just ate some yummy pizza. Tomorrow i get to see jeremy! yay!! So for those of you who are wondering why the title of this blog is today was a shitshow, i hope you're getting the jist of how my life works. everyday is a shitshow.
Random Song Quote: "I like to fuck leather pants gerry curls"- Tila Tequila "i like to fuck"
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I Can't Believe it's Over...

We made it home from the sweater party all in tact jeremy got a little bruised up from falling down the stairs, and being drug down a hallway, but they are minor injuries and he will heal up in no time.
Friday we woke up and cleaned the apartment because i forgot to mention that jeremy tried desperately to build a fort in our living room and the furniture was everywhere, but it is now back in place, and i did some of the dishes that were left in the sink and lilli did the rest when she woke up. I eventually took a shower and we were celebrating Peter's birthday, for those of you who do not know Peter is my sculpture head, we had a few people over to drink and celebrate no school. Kate, Sarah, and Kelly came up from VA for the festivity. The ron pablo and the bacardi 151 are almost gone and two 30 packs of bud light and a case of miller high life were all gone when we woke up on saturday morning. Peter was passed out on the beer pong table and my other sculpture guy Homer lost an eye. The night was a success. We played lots of games drank lots of alcohol danced to lots of michael jackson and forgot all about the semester that is now behind us. Here is my favorite picture of the night, sarah spilt her entire drink in our kitchen and all over Jeb's foot...
I had to drive home on saturday and go to a pampered chef party my mom was having. Lucky for me it was also a cocktail party. I got home at 3:15 and had to shower and be ready by 4 don't worry i did it. I then started drinking Titos (best vodka ever made) and cranberrys. Kate showed up and was makin margaritas and then my brother came over after the party and he also was having some SD's (strong drinks) with us, we put in the office DVD board game that katy got me for christmas and that was fun and then we ordered pan pizza from pizza hut and rented step brothers. I was pretty drunk by the end of the night, oh and we ran out of ice at some point, and my dad (who was also drinking titos and cranberry, but he only puts the cranberry in for color) decided we needed to get more so my brother drove us to the store, aparently this is what happened inside. Dad ran in quickly and then took 10 minutes to get a bag of ice. He didn't even wait in line though he just got a bag of ice and gave 3 dollars to a guy stocking the shelves and said i am taking this ice and ran back out. I wish i could have witnessed that.
Today was a day for recovery, unfortunately my football team sucks and forgot how to play football today so they lost to the bengals, and will not be in the playoffs yay! oh well im over it. I am also about to go to IHOP with ben and ryan that should be fun. And Lilli was going to come over today but she texted me and said she might just go home. I am assuming that is what happened because i haven't heard otherwise.
Random song quote: "Dance floor jam packed, hot as a teakettle"- "candy shop" 50 cent
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Odds and Ends
O.M.G. a girl and her boyfriend are making out hard core right in front of me in the lobby of maple i am so grossed out they are not a good looking couple, katy its the couple that you were just talking about on the way to wal-mart the punk one, omg they are still making out please please please stop this is so awkward central i cant handle it. okay they are done.
Anyway, on thursday nothing happened at all, lilli and i saw our break dancing dude in the gym and the rams den unfortunately he was not break dancing any of the two times we saw him. We had a delicious meal of chicken fingers and fries in the rams den on jeremy's meal plan, thanks jer! and then got home got showered got dressed and we went to the boys radio show, i was to embarassed to say anything on the radio, even though i am pretty sure that not to many people were listening to shepherd radio station at 10 o clock at night, but i was still to scared. Lilli said a joke on the radio it was pretty good lol. We went to tony's afterward and i only had 2 beers cause i had to drive my car back cause i didn't want a ticket i am so responsible. Tonys was fun though we had a good time and lilli and i and jeremy and i danced and we had a good time, like we always do.
Yesterday, lilli, dave, jake, and i went to buffalo wild wings for dinner, if you have not been there and you loooooove buffalo wings i highly suggest you go there. we had a lot of yummy food and jake drank 2 giant beers because he was nervous to go to the art show we were about to attend, because he said that he always says the wrong things at them so i told him not to talk. he did good for the most part. The show was really good, jeremy had a piece in it which was totally awesome loved it jer! and there was all sorts of crazy art work that really made you think for a little. This one girl had a little booth set up and was taking pictures of people during the show and then they were playing on a slide show on the wall next to the booth. She like had you sit in a chair and then close your eyes and did something to affect one of your senses and as soon as you made the face she took the picture, it was really cool and funny to look at all the pictures that she took. After that we went over to the boys house and it was like 32 degrees in there so we went home and put on 12 layers of clothes so we weren't cold anymore.
Jeremys two friends from home were up visiting for his art show and they are twins! the coolest twins in the world in fact. Tommy (one of the twins) showed us a new fun drinking game called superlatives, where you come up with a question like most likely to get arrested by the end of the semester or something like that and then everyone has everyone elses name on a piece of paper and you put in who you think is most likely to do that and if your name gets thrown in you have to figure out who put you and if you guess right they drink if you guess wrong you drink. i think it is the most fun game in the state, maybe even the world. Then when we woke up tommy was sleeping on the church pew which made my day.
For lunch we went to the beloved bettys. Lilli was a virgin to the place so she was probably most excited but then again i get that excited everytime we decide that we are going to go. Jeremy got a rumsey burger i decided i shouldn't even attempt one again its way to big for me and i know this but i do enjoy how delicious it is. I got a grilled ham and cheese, argueably the second best thing on the menu omg it is so good im not even hungry right now and i want a grilled ham and cheese. Lilli and dave got the same thing i think its called a country skillet bowl it has everything one person wants for breakfast combined in a bowl, i think there is home fries eggs gravy either with sausage or with chipped beef cheese and a biscuit. ahh what will they come out with next, bettys solves all your food dilemmas.
Oh i forgot to say we stopped at wal-mart last night cause lilli and i are going to tie dye some t shirts so we got a kit im so psyched. buttttttt i was thinking about how freaking expensive my total was cause i bought the t shirts and lilli bought the dye, i also had to get some paint brushes and glue, and my total was 22 dollars and i didn't think anything of it because we were in a hurry to get to the art show. But today i was all like waiiiiit hold up 22 dollars for 10 dollar pack on shirts, 72 cent paint brushes and 2 dollar glue, now that doesn't add up, so i looked at my receipt and the lady somehow also rang me up for the tie dye, even though lilli bought it before me and had already paid for it and was holding it in a bag, how weird. So i called today and the manager said just come in and go to the service desk they will take care of you so katy and i made the trek out to wal mart and i stood in line at customer service and katy got chap stick and a book about cookies. i got my 10 dollars back and was happy and then got a baconater for dinner lol and katy got arbys and ate the entire meal before we got home i enjoyed mine at our apartment and now i am sitting at the desk in maple. someone broke a bottle of vinigar down here and it smells but im used to it but everyone keeps talking to me about it like i have all the answers lol.
random song quote: "she cook she clean never smells like onion rings" - webbie "independent"
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Picture Post!

This is Dave and Jeremy, they stole my beer can, at least i think it is dave, his face is completely covered, the note says "if you ever want to see your beer can again bring mad alcohol to 301" that can was lost all year, it is safely back in my apartment.

This is a random party we had at our apartment, pictured: Front row L to R Marshall, me, Jake, Katy Back Row Andy, and Dave, dave is my favorite part of this picture

This was the night katy met her boyfriend nick, also it is one my most favorite pictures of her and i, i think she hates it lol

This is a picture of me and lilli pwning at beer pong, i believe we just won that game and that is our celebratory dance, pretty awesome huh?

This was actually taken during empty the fridge night, i tried to get all 4 of us in it but you can only see daves chin and nothing else

This was taken at Chubbys in Philly, they sold Colt 45, that is the coolest thing ever.

This is good picture of the 4 of us from philly, were all actually looking at the camera and look like we like each other, which is good :-)

This was taken on the drive up, i actually got that one with only half a car in it, i feel like that is superior photo skills

This was somewhere on our way to philly, we were probably on or around martin luther king blvd. It is tyrone's chicken, anyone wanna eat there?

This was taken over at the boys house some night, jake looks terrified, and who can blame him? lilli is holding a bud heavy, and i have a bottle of bacardi gold who wants to guess that night didn't end well?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Empty the Fridge?

If you were to see the cards as i saw them when i left everyone had like a million dash marks, and on the back we were keeping track of jello shooters, i think dave ate 50 of them by himself. he was really champin it up.
Well, we started drinking really early like at 4. We were all blacked out at 8, i think more people came over and we were all hammered lol, how pissed would you be if you showed up at your friends house at 8 and everyone was already hammed. So dave and i passed out in a chair together and he was holding a beer and he spilt the entire thing on us, and my pants were soaking wet. I think that is why i ended up taking my pants of for the rest of the night...i don't know what time that was but im guessing it was pretty early because everyone was asleep before midnight. Then as i was laying in bed, aaron knocked on daves door letting us know that the toilet over flowed, everyone blamed me but it was not me, and i fixed it in my shirt no pants and daves HUGE skater like shoes. i looked awesome.
I woke up this morning confused of where i was and what time it was and where my pants were. Lilli and i had to get back to campus because we had 9:10 classes today, awesome. I woke up at about 8 and then went to jeremys room for a while and we relived the fact that we were all blacked out and passed out before midnight, i found my pants but did not put them on because they were still wet and smelled like a bud heavy. I did however find a pair of pj pants in my car that i put on, they were bright yellow with christmas lights on them. Lilli and i had to sit in my car forever cause it was frozen solid and i couldn't drive it yet we stopped at mcdonalds where i got a glimpse of myself in the window and thought to myself or maybe it was outloud "how do i have any friends?" I got 2 hashbrowns and a GIANT sprite at mcdonalds, came home with a mild hangover and went to yoga, and thought i was going to have sprint out and vom because we were doing this crazy rocking thing that wasn't helping.
So the night was a success in that we got wasted, but we did not empty the fridge, were going to have to drink it all this weekend i suppose.
Joke of the Day: What did the left nut say to the right nut?
The guy in the middle thinks he is so hard